Employment & Training

An estimated one hundred soldiers leave The Parachute Regiment in any year. For some, the shock of transition can be unexpected and difficult.

Soldiers can access a range of facilities for learning and training whilst still serving and during their resettlement phase. These include Standard Learning Credits (SLC), Enhanced Learning Credits (ELC) and Individual Resettlement Training Costs (IRTC). Serving personnel should contact their Education Officer for more details.

Those who face medical discharge through WIS (Wounded, Sick or injured) can access further support from the Regimental charities. Please speak to your unit Line Managers for further details or to arrange an appointment with the Regimental Welfare Officer – the earlier in your discharge process the better!

Career Transition Officer

The leading role of the Career Transition Officer (CTO) is to guide and support those that are leaving or have left the military.

The CTO focuses on assisting those that need advice and help for a successful transition into civilian life. As part of the charity SUPPORT OUR PARAS, the CTO will also be the driving force for those that require further support once they have left the military.

This will include guidance on:

  • Housing
  • Finances
  • Employment/Training
  • Health
  • Mental Health
  • Hardship

Contact the CTO

Email: CTO@supportourparas.org