New hope for Breya – with your support
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On 13 January 2017, 2 year old Breya Ward, daughter of Sgt Ollie Ward and Holly Robinson, was diagnosed with Stage 4 High Risk Neuroblastoma. This very rare and aggressive cancer affects children under the age of 6.
A year on, Breya has fought so hard to beat her cancer. She has bravely come though her operation, a year of chemo and her third birthday. A vaccine therapy trial in New York now gives her the best chance of building up her immunity so she can beat it completely. 50% of Stage 4 Neuroblastoma patients can relapse within 2 years, so Team Breya are getting in ahead of any relapse. We are working with her parents to make it happen.
Breya is closer than ever to this vital help – just 3 months to go – but we still appeal for your support to get her there. She needs £35,000 to reach the target amount.
A designated fund for Breya within the charity holds all money raised. If for any reason the funds raised are in excess of what is required, they will convert into unrestricted funds that SUPPORT OUR PARAS will use to support other Paras and their families.
Please visit to donate towards the Team Breya fund. Donations made through the charity are commission—free and mean we can claim Gift Aid – and the taxman does his bit for the cause.
If you are organising an event, please contact the Charity Secretary, Natalie, for help and advice on