Mayan 7s Rugby Team
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This season, the Mayan 7s Rugby Team are raising money and awareness of the charity, while winning trophies along the way!
This summer sees the inaugural season of the Mayans 7s team who have chosen to support us due to the fact their captain, John, was a PARA. They said, “This is a charity that does fantastic work in a much needed area of society that receives little support otherwise.”

The Mayans at PARAS’10 Colchester
The team is playing 8 tournaments in all which will see them spend their summer touring the country. They even came to Colchester in May to run the PARAS’10 (a day after playing the Basingstoke 7s!)
To show the Mayans your support, please visit their fundraising page.
A big thank you to all the guys and girls involved and good luck for the rest of the season! Keep your eyes out for their awesome shirts this summer (with our logo proudly featured) and give them a shout if you see them about.
For more information about the Mayans, or to keep up to date with how they get on this season, check out their social media pages: