COVID19 and our Support
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We are ALL affected by the COVID-19 virus.
The Government has directed that if you or anyone in your household shows the symptoms of COVID 19 (continuous cough, high temperature) that your entire household stays at home in isolation from other people for at least 14 days. Observing this advice is essential to slow the spread of Coronavirus. Everyone has a responsibility to ensure that they do not go to work or places where other people congregate while exhibiting symptoms.
The Prime Minister has announced further significant measures: stop non-essential contact with others; stop all unnecessary travel; people should work from home where they can.
In light of this and the need to slow the spread of coronavirus, particularly to individuals at higher risk (elderly and those with existing chronic illnesses), RHQ PARA and Charity staff have switched to remote working from home. All Regimental Recruiting activities have been cancelled as have the following events:
- Ardennes/Rhine Crossing 75thCommemorations
- 3 Para Reunion
- March of Loyalty
- Hardwick Hall
- Pegasus Network Meetings
- 4 Para Reunion
- PARAS’10 Colchester postponed to 7 Nov
- Normandy 76
- Regimental Commemoration NMA PRA Dinner Bosworth Hall
Decisions will be made on the following events in due course:
- Eden Camp
- Arnhem 76
The Charity’s Welfare Team will continue to operate as normally as possible, although staff availability may impact speed of response. Please bear with us while we adjust to the situation and establish reliable methods of communication.
Veterans, who may be vulnerable through age or illness or do not have family that can support them in isolation, may need RHQ/PRAFC support. Those that are vulnerable and need assistance will have to be monitored. Assistance may be required to resupply them if the situation persists and regular monitoring and communication will be vital to their care, but please note the high risks of physically visiting which should be avoided.
In summary, COVID 19 is a significant threat to the health and wellbeing of our veterans, particularly the more elderly or infirm. We all have a role to play in physically isolating ourselves and our families to reduce the spread of the virus, as well as keeping in touch with vulnerable veterans by electronic means. If they need support or advice that cannot be provided locally then our Welfare Team is ready to offer advice.
RHQ PARA Welfare Team:
Laura McPhilemy (Head of Welfare) Mobile: 07702 190685
Sue Laidler (Welfare Assistant) Mobile: 07340347136