24 hours CPRathon
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16 October 2020 marked World Restart a Heart Day; a day that is used to help raise awareness of cardiac arrest. This year, it was also a day that was being used to raise money for SUPPORT OUR PARAS.
The team that make up the Paramedic Society at Anglia Ruskin University in Chelmsford this year held a 24 hour CPRathon. That’s right, they practised CPR for 24 hours in order to raise awareness and funds. Their reason for choosing to support us was very close to their hearts, as they did it in memory of their friend Pte Joe Berry, who died earlier this year.
The team said, “Last year we had the absolute privilege of having multiple individuals from a wide variety of backgrounds come down and ‘muck in’ with the 24 hours of CPR. Among these individuals was our amazing friend Joe Berry who was a serving Private in the Second Battalion Parachute Regiment (2PARA) at the time.

“Joe had never undertaken prolonged CPR in his life and decided to take part in the ‘who can do the longest stint of CPR’ challenge. He totalled 2 whole hours of extremely high quality, solo-CPR, much to the amazement and clinical concern from ourselves and everyone else present!
“Sadly, Joe passed away earlier this year and left a huge hole in all our lives and hearts. So this year we will be fundraising for SUPPORT OUR PARAS in memory and dedication of our much beloved friend.”
They smashed their original target of £750 and then surpassed their second target of £1,000. To read more about their event and support them towards their new target, please visit https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/parasoc-aru